Campuses & Locations
UC San Francisco |

Working up a sweat may protect against lethal prostate cancer

Vigorous exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits appear to have lifesaving benefits.
UC Berkeley |

Celebrating World Toilet Day, reinventing sanitation

U.N. World Toilet Day, Nov. 19, highlights global sanitation shortfalls and their toll on human health and the environment.
UC Davis |

More women CEOs but executive suite's still a male bastion

More women than ever before are running the state's largest public firms, but they still hold just one in eight of the senior executive and director positions in corporate California. 
UC Riverside |

Genetic engineering needs better regulation, UC scientists say

Panel says genetic modification is just a tool that can be good or bad, depending on its application.
UC San Francisco |

$177M gift will found Global Brain Health Institute to fight dementia

Atlantic Philanthropies funds UCSF and Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin, to stem the precipitous rise in dementia by training and connecting a new generation of leaders worldwide.
California Magazine |

Architectural students reinvent the community center

Imagine a community center that’s not your typical chunk of cinderblock — instead it’s an architecturally avant garde space where neighbors gather to grow, cook and eat food.
UC Newsroom |

UC Carbon Neutrality Student Fellows tackle big climate problems

The fellowships will fund projects, from the classroom to the operating room, that will steer the UC system toward its carbon neutrality goal.
UC Newsroom |

UC leaders head back to high school

UC leaders will deliver a college-going message to high school students around the state, as part of the annual Achieve UC effort.
UC Berkeley |

Engineers give a girl a hand

Eight-year-old Sophie doesn’t have fully developed finger bones in her left hand, but with the help of a CITRIS Invention Lab team, she is the new user of a 3-D printed super hand.
UC Merced |

Toddlers can spy deception in others

Even tots younger than 2 can tell when someone's trying to pull a fast one.
UC Irvine |

Massive northeast Greenland glacier is rapidly melting

Breakup of Zachariae Isstrom could substantially raise sea levels around the globe.
California Magazine |

Students increasingly bringing “emotional support” animals to college

Nobody claims the dorms are evolving into petting zoos. But animals are gaining a toehold (clawhold?) in Cal residences.