Campuses & Locations
UCSF Magazine |

UCSF's battle with tuberculosis

UCSF's battle with tuberculosis is woven into San Francisco’s history, from its early public health partnership with SF General Hospital to the research and training that have led to a global attack on the disease.
UC San Diego |

Making an ‘IMPACT’ on childhood obesity

UC San Diego and San Diego Unified School District partner to get kids active.
UC Santa Barbara |

UC cultivates relationships with small farms

UC system aims to cultivate relationships with small farms throughout California.
UC Davis |

Even those who know better find junk food irresistible

The sight of a burger and fries pushes our happy button, even if you know a salad is better for you.
UC Berkeley |

Why humans have superior reasoning skills

It's all in the brain — a network that's key to analysis, memory retrieval, abstract thinking and problem-solving, and missing from other primates.

New Discrimination Prevention Officers discuss mission, goals

Lillie Hsu and Dion Raymond have long-standing connections to UCLA. Their new positions are a key component to remedying bias, improving campus climate and strengthening UCLA’s commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion.
UC Santa Cruz |

Seasonal pattern of infections in deadly bat disease

White-nose syndrome fungus can infect an entire bat colony during hibernation, but surviving bats are able to clear the infection after they become active again.

African governments should target hot zones to stop HIV spread

Researchers have devised a plan they say would be much more effective in reducing HIV transmission than simply trying to distribute antiretroviral drugs to as many people as possible.
UC Riverside |

Chemists fabricate novel rewritable paper

An attractive alternate to regular paper, technology helps address increasing problems in environment and resource sustainability.
UC Santa Cruz |

Undergrads earn bronze medal in bioengineering competition

iGEM team worked to engineer a microbe to produce biofuel from cellulose.

Life in America: Hazardous to immigrants’ health

Over time, the health status of immigrant groups tends to decline. Public health researchers are untangling the causes and promoting solutions.
UC Newsroom |

How traffic jams affect heart health

Clogged interstates aggravate clogged arteries, according to research by a UC Irvine graduate student.