Campuses & Locations
UC San Diego |

Learn to code while playing Minecraft

A team of computer scientists has developed a software package that allows users to learn how to program while playing the popular video game.
UC Newsroom |

7 UC campuses in Princeton Review’s ‘Best 379 Colleges’ guidebook

UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara and UC Santa Cruz are among top universities.
UC Irvine |

Exploring technology of squid skin

Protein called reflectin could be used to improve performance of biomedical devices.
UC San Francisco |

Dying in the hospital more likely if ER is closed

Emergency department closures don't just hurt patients — they have a ripple effect on surrounding communities.
UC Berkeley |

A hellacious two weeks on Jupiter’s moon Io

During a year-long series of observations, astronomers observed three of the largest outbursts ever observed on the moon.

Amputation more likely for poorer diabetics

Poor patients are up to 10 times more likely to lose a limb than wealthier ones; earlier care could prevent most losses.
UC Riverside |

New technology boosts biofuel production

Research leader: 'Successful commercialization of biofuels technology is about yield, yield, yield, and we obtained great yields with this novel technology.'
UC Santa Cruz |

Old evidence leads to new ideas about quake hazards in Pacific Northwest

Sediment cores collected in 1960s for doctoral thesis have attracted renewed scrutiny for clues to Cascadia earthquakes.
UC Riverside |

A neuropsychology and beer mixer

Taking advantage of new brewery business model, graduate student starts selling his beers.
UC Berkeley |

Global economic losses from cyclones linger for decades

New study debunks the idea that cyclones have no long-term, lasting economic impacts, and suggests the urgent need for revamping disaster policy around the world.
UC Santa Barbara |

Tracking giant kelp from space

Marine researchers turn to citizen scientists to help investigate the ‘redwoods of the ocean.’
UC Santa Barbara |

Can you trust that app?

That smartphone download might give a hacker access to your data. In response, computer scientists are set to receive $1 million to study smartphone security issues.