Campuses & Locations
Lawrence Berkeley Lab |

The energy cost of streaming video

A night of Netflix may create a larger carbon footprint than you'd think.
UC Newsroom |

Tackling tomorrow's health challenges

Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner and other UC speakers help shape the debate at New York Times health conference.

Researchers discover hormone that controls supply of iron in red blood cell production

Findings could lead to treatments for blood disorders associated with both iron deficiencies and overloads.

Rare documentary about early Japanese immigrants resurfaces

After 30 years, film about first-generation Issei in California reaches new audiences.

Reducing emissions will be primary way to fight climate change

Study: Climate engineering won't sufficiently stem global warming.
UC Santa Cruz |

Football helmet science project scores two White House visits

Self-professed football fanatic is studying the science of making the sport safer.
UC Newsroom |

Curiosity finds earthly similarities on Mars mission

UC scientists and engineers have been vital to the success of landing rover and conducting experiments on the Red Planet.
UC San Diego |

How to erase a memory – and restore it

Researchers have erased and reactivated memories in rats, profoundly altering the animals’ reaction to past events; development may bolster Alzheimer's research.
UC Santa Cruz |

UC Santa Cruz profiles members of class of 2014

A trio of students serves as excellent representatives of the Class of 2014.
California Magazine |

Hunt for Depression-era national park posters leads to Berkeley

Surviving prints, commissioned by the WPA and printed at UC Berkeley, were sought for "POSTERity."

UCLA prof gives TV viewers bird's-eye view of climate change

Alex Hall, a professor in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, appears on Showtime's “Years of Living Dangerously” to explain how climate change will impact lives.
UC Irvine |

Irvine chancellor receives UC Presidential Medal

Departing leader is lauded for upholding the highest ideals of a university education.