Campuses & Locations
UC Santa Cruz |

Black hole shreds a star

New study shows what happens during the destruction of a star as it falls into a black hole, contradicting a 2012 report of the disruption of an exotic helium star.
UC Davis |

Small window of time for volcano eruption

Mount Hood study: Liquid magma, necessary for eruption, is uncommon.
UC San Diego |

Calit2 director honored with Golden Goose Award

Larry Smarr's work on black holes led to championing a U.S. supercomputing revolution and Web browsers.
UC San Francisco |

UCSF schools lead the nation in NIH biomedical research funds

Funding reflects quality of research and enables scientists to continue pioneering efforts.
UC Newsroom |

President Napolitano visits UC Berkeley

President on campus for two days of meetings with faculty, students and staff.
UC Berkeley |

Chronic stress primes brain for mental illness

Chronic stress' impact on stem cells in the brain in turn affects memory and learning. This could explain why stress leads to mental illness later in life.
UC Berkeley |

Marriage, like fine wine: better when well aged

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage — and then what?
UCLA Magazine |

In the footsteps of Ansel Adams

Revisit locales for the iconic photographer's 'Fiat Lux' images, and see how UCLA has changed over a half century.
UC Newsroom |

UC alums fill Peace Corps ranks

The University of California remains a perennial leader in sending alumni to international service.
UC Irvine |

Hackers: Catch them if you can

Unhampered by borders and laws, cybercriminals present new security threats.
UC Santa Barbara |

Maps show expected redistribution of global species due to climate change

An international team of scientists tracks how fast and in which direction local climates — and species — have shifted.
UC Santa Cruz |

Single class inspires tangible change

Alums who formed a socially conscious nonprofit as a way of keeping in touch have funded more than $180,000 in projects.