Architectural students reinvent the community center

California Magazine
November 16, 2015

Imagine a community center that’s not your typical chunk of cinderblock — instead it’s an architecturally avant garde space where neighbors gather to grow, cook and eat food.

Engineers give a girl a hand

UC Berkeley
November 13, 2015

Eight-year-old Sophie doesn’t have fully developed finger bones in her left hand, but with the help of a CITRIS Invention Lab team, she is the new user of a 3-D printed super hand.

The value of studying our microbiome

Guess what? You’re only 10 percent human — the rest of you is made up of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microbes. Science Today talks with UC San Diego Chancellor Pradeep Khosla and professor Rob Knight about a new Microbiome and Microbial Sciences Initiative that will advance the study of microbiomes found in the gut and everywhere else on Earth.

Whiskers and locks: reading U.S. history through hair

UC Berkeley
November 10, 2015

From bearded lady acts to the Victorian practice of hair collecting, grad student Sarah Gold McBride is teasing out the meaning of hair in 19th-century America, and how it reveals evolving ideas about race and gender.