What are kids actually learning from popular TV? UCLA March 18, 2021 A 50-year survey shows the values kids learn have changed from decade to decade, often reflecting shifts in the broader culture.
How effective is the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine? Here’s what you should know UCSF March 18, 2021 How it differs, how well it works against the new variants and whether you should be worried about transmitting the virus after vaccination.
UC’s deal with Elsevier: What it took, what it means, why it matters UC Berkeley March 18, 2021 UC Berkeley librarian Jeffrey MacKie-Mason, co-chair of UC’s publisher negotiation team, explains the significance of this step for open access.
Navigating the $1.9 trillion stimulus UC Riverside March 11, 2021 Economist Jana Grittersova, former European Commission banker, weighs in on how the newly passed package will change the economy.
Making decisions based on how we feel about memories, not accuracy UC Davis March 11, 2021 A new study explores the difference between subjective and objective memory.
How robustly will individuals respond to the COVID-19 vaccine — and for how long? UCSF March 11, 2021 Age, stress and lack of sleep contribute to response in a variety of vaccines. Is a COVID-19 booster shot next?
Selina Brinkmann becomes UC Merced’s first Rhodes Scholar UC Merced March 10, 2021 Master’s student Selina Brinkmann has been awarded a Rhodes Scholarship for study at Oxford University — a first for the campus.
New study reveals the ‘hidden costs’ of being Black in the U.S. UCLA March 10, 2021 Near-daily discrimination takes a measurable toll on Black men, who do not enjoy the same improvements in physical and mental health that white men experience with higher incomes.
Decreases in exercise more closely linked with higher rates of depression during the pandemic UC San Diego March 9, 2021 Disruption to physical activity is a leading risk factor for depression during this period, a new study shows.
John Chaput can store the Declaration of Independence in a single molecule UC Irvine March 4, 2021 By using a synthetic genetic polymer, the researcher overcomes prior limitations and lets you hold the world in the palm of your hand.