How to resocialize after the pandemic UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center April 8, 2021 COVID-19 took a toll on our relationships. Understanding why might help us come back together.
Did racism kill Jackie Robinson? UCLA via The Conversation April 8, 2021 Jackie Robinson integrated Major League Baseball over 70 years ago, breaking down barriers for future generations. Now, scientists ask — did racism lead to Robinson's early death?
Could California put solar panels on top of canals? UC Santa Cruz April 8, 2021 Scientists at UC Merced and UC Santa Cruz are exploring a potential project to combine renewable energy with water conservation.
Up close with Iceland’s new (and erupting) volcano UC Santa Barbara April 8, 2021 A geology professor witnesses the birth of Iceland’s newest volcano, which is still erupting.
The incredible bacterial ‘homing missiles’ that scientists want to harness Berkeley Lab April 8, 2021 A Berkeley Lab-led team is digging into bacteria-produced nanomachines that could fast-track microbiome science.
Testing strategies for safer air travel during the pandemic UCSF April 8, 2021 A new study offers much-needed data to airlines and states that have had little guidance on how to enable safe travel.
'Another glass ceiling shattered' UC Santa Cruz April 1, 2021 Student Gina Schneider becomes a part of history as one of the first women in the U.S. to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout.
A new theory for Zoom fatigue UC Santa Barbara April 1, 2021 Scholar’s theory on what causes Zoom fatigue focuses on how the technology warps our sense of space in interactions.
The K-12 post-pandemic classroom UC Irvine April 1, 2021 A UC Irvine professor of education discusses COVID-19’s lasting impact on reading, writing and recovery.
New sitcom produced by UC Riverside’s Reza Aslan brings humor and heart to assimilation UC Riverside April 1, 2021 The new show follows a Marine combat veteran and a former interpreter as they adjust to life in America after life in Afghanistan.