Roses bloom in tide pools

UC Santa Barbara and UC Santa Cruz
January 30, 2015
Bright pink, inch-long sea slugs have shown up in the highest numbers and northernmost locations reported since the El Niños of 1998 and 1983.

UC campuses excel at community engagement

UC Newsroom
January 29, 2015
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching recognizes UC Davis, UCLA and UC Merced for their 'institutional focus' on engagement.

Why science needs art

UCSC's Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz gives us a glimpse of how he visualizes his research. Since much of what he studies is abstract calculations and theories, he shows us how important it is to have visuals to both explain and comprehend his work.

Chemists find a way to unboil eggs

UC Irvine
January 23, 2015
It may not improve your cooking, but it could reduce costs for cancer treatments, food production and other segments of biotech.