Source of ‘moon curse’ revealed by eclipse

UC San Diego
February 6, 2014
When signals bounced off the lunar surface returned surprisingly faint echoes on full moon nights, scientists sought an explanation in reason rather than superstition.

Startup wants to know how damaged your DNA is

Lawrence Berkeley Lab
February 6, 2014
Berkeley Lab scientist has devised a method of automating the screening process; through his startup, he hopes to make it as commonplace as a cholesterol test.

Killing cancer through the immune system

UC San Francisco
February 4, 2014
What if the body could heal itself of even the most aggressive and deadly tumors? In the span of a few years, the idea has gone from New Age notion to medical reality.

Case against third-hand smoke gets stronger

UC Riverside
January 31, 2014
Third-hand smoke — residue left on household, other surfaces — is linked to hyperactivity, significant damage in liver, lung, and slower healing of wounds.