‘Most women don't use a mic’ UC Riverside January 30, 2019 Half of online gamers are women, but anti-woman abuse is rampant. Courtney Baugh has a solution.
Sleep loss truly causes you pain UC Berkeley January 30, 2019 Going without sleep heightens pain sensitivity and dulls the brain’s painkilling response.
Why middle-class black women dread the doctor’s office UC Berkeley January 24, 2019 A new book by Tina Sacks tells the human stories behind racial biases in health care.
What you should know about this year’s flu UCSF January 24, 2019 Infectious disease expert and clinician Charles Chiu answers your questions about the flu.
3-D printed implants show promise for treating spinal cord injury UC San Diego January 24, 2019 The soft, implantable “bridges” guide new nerve cells to grow where the spinal cord has been severed.
From Timothy Leary's office to the company of giants UC Riverside January 24, 2019 How Robert Rosenthal brought behavioral psychology to the masses with “Pygmalion in the Classroom.”
Don't wait to have fun, science says UCLA January 24, 2019 Our quest for just the right moment often means missing out on having a good experience.
It's about time: Scientists figure out the length of a day on Saturn UC Santa Cruz January 22, 2019 Thanks to data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, astronomers are stumped no longer.
How gut immune cells can fight multiple sclerosis UCSF January 17, 2019 Scientists are learning how our guts connect to our brains.
Perfection (and joy) January 17, 2019 Viral star and UCLA gymnast Katelyn Ohashi is capable of perfection. But most importantly, she's capable of joy.