Successful anti-bullying program identified by UCLA

Study shows Finnish model focused on bystanders is very effective.

UC Riverside |

A natural way of making your brain more efficient

New UC Riverside study finds that increasing your attention comes from using newly acquired knowledge.


Modern mismatch: brain vs. culture

Best-selling author and UCLA psychiatrist Peter Whybrow is interviewed about the friction between our wiring and today's society.


New UCLA therapy shows promise for treating PTSD

Psychiatrists recruiting military veterans for next phase of research on new form of nerve stimulation.


Online bullying: Why don't people intervene?

People on social media are often unsupportive of cyberbullying victims who share highly personal feelings, UCLA psychologists report.

UCLA Newsroom |

Discrimination can be harmful to your mental health

UCLA experts view mental health status of victims as a public health concern.

UC Irvine |

Put the cellphone away! Fragmented baby care can affect brain development

UC Irvine study shows link between maternal infant-rearing and adolescent depression.

The Conversation |

Gift-giving taboos that aren’t as bad as you think

Behavioral science research shows that gifts that may seem  inappropriate to givers might actually be better appreciated by recipients than they might think.

California Magazine |

Scientists devise algorithm that detects sarcasm better than humans

Computers show an accuracy rate of 75 percent — notably better than the humans, according to research co-led by UC Berkeley. 

UC San Francisco |

Illuminating depression’s circuitry

UC San Francisco neurosurgeon Edward Chang is studying whether flawed brain circuitry causes mood disorders and how to restore neural processing.


Five early signs of autism

Getting a diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorder as early as possible is important for early intervention, UCLA professor Connie Kasari says

UC Merced |

Toddlers can spy deception in others

Even tots younger than 2 can tell when someone's trying to pull a fast one.