Field trip gives UC Global Food Initiative fellows a chance to get their hands dirty.
Organic farm serves up life lessons for UC students
Major advance in biochemistry holds promise for biofuels
UCLA biochemists have devised a way to convert sugar into a variety of useful chemical compounds without using cells.
UCLA study yields the key to effective personalized medicine
New platform optimizes drug doses to prevent organ rejection for transplant patients.
Novel doula training for incarcerated women and those at risk grows
Successful UC San Francisco-supported vocational program provides empowerment and economic stability.
UC Berkeley alums find canvassing reduces transgender prejudice
A new study finds that 10-minute talks can shift opinion as profoundly as 14 years of social change.
A 'Grand' adventure at UC Davis
Students make the Colorado River their classroom and learn how to bring scientific issues to the public.
Building a ladder to a cure
UC Santa Cruz researchers open a new front in the treatment of pediatric cancer.
New tumbleweed species rapidly expanding range
UC Riverside researchers find the weed may have tumbled too far.
Reforms could restore wild fisheries to health in just a decade
A UC Santa Barbara professor shows how quickly ocean sustainability can be achieved.
A new twist on educational testing
A UC Santa Barbara team believe an entrepreneurial approach can drive positive change in education.
Thrills, tears and jubilation mark Match Day
Years of medical school build up to this one moment - when students across the country tear open their envelopes and learn where they will train as resident physicians for the next three to five years.
Grad Slam brings TED style to UC Berkeley grad students’ research
You can watch ten finalists face off live on March 28 for the chance to compete in the UC-wide competition.