UC San Diego |

Researchers develop a remote-controlled cancer immunotherapy system

The ultrasound-based system can non-invasively control genetic processes to kill cancer cells.

UC Davis |

Earth BioGenome Project to sequence all life

UC Davis-led partnership to map the DNA of every lifeform announced at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

UC San Diego |

Premature baby grows up to be a ‘cuddler’

A unique program gives volunteers like Shea McNanie the opportunity to provide infants vital TLC.


Everyone’s talking about the flu. Here’s what to do about it

And why — even though it's less effective this year — you should still get the vaccine.

UC Davis |

Healing burned paws with fish skin

A young mountain lion injured during the Thomas fire receives an innovative therapy to get him back on his feet.


Received an at-home DNA test as a holiday gift? Proceed with caution

Many people are ill-equipped to handle troubling medical information without proper guidance, UCLA geneticist says.

UC Berkeley |

First step toward CRISPR cure of Lou Gehrig’s disease

Scientists disable a muscle degeneration trigger to extend mouse lifespans by 25 percent.


As genetic testing grows popular, UCSF clinic emerges to provide context

Genetics is only as good as the qualifications of the person interpreting it, says Dr. Bryce Mendelsohn.

UC Newsroom |

5 UC faculty awarded the largest monetary prize in science

UC scholars bring home the majority of 2018's Breakthrough Prizes, known as the 'Oscars of science.'

UC Riverside |

Making mosquitoes self-destruct

Researchers generate genetically engineered insects to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases.


Painless dental lasers can render teeth cavity-resistant

New technology for repairing teeth and strengthening enamel may soon be in a dental office near you.

UC Riverside |

New hope for treating sepsis

Study shows human protein resistin greatly boosts the survival rate against a condition that currently kills one in five.