UC San Diego |

Engineering undergrads use DNA origami to target cancer

Competitive biomedical team hopes folic acid weaving will unlock new treatments.


Common virus tied to diabetes, heart disease in women under 50

Findings reversed in those with extreme obesity, study shows.

UC Davis |

UC Davis medical school dean to lead Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center

Julie Freischlag will leave UC Davis at end of April.


New evidence that e-cigarettes may harm your heart

Cardiac risk factors reported in smokers found in e-cig users.


Scalp cooling can help some breast cancer patients retain hair

New study identifies way for majority of patients to lessen one of cancer's most devastating hallmarks.

UC Davis |

A national leader in transplants

UC Davis leads nation in kidney transplants; UCLA and UCSF top nation in total organ transplants last year.

UC San Diego |

The operating room of the future

Engineers develop what will become an integral part of surgical teams: robotic assistants.

UC Riverside |

Researchers show how Lou Gehrig’s disease progression could be delayed

Study could lead to new drugs for spinal cord injury, Alzheimer’s disease and some cancers.


Poor odor identification may be early warning for dementia

New study suggests olfactory testing might be a simple way to predict disease a decade before symptoms occur.


Drug shows promise for treating alcoholism

An anti-inflammatory medication appears to reduce cravings and improve mood.


Good news for women with congenital heart disease

New recommendations offer a road map to helping women with congenital heart disease have successful pregnancies.

Berkeley Lab |

Thirdhand smoke affects weight, blood cell development

Berkeley Lab-led study adds to evidence that smoke's lingering residue could be harmful.