Filling the health care gap

Hundreds of UCLA medical and dental staff. students volunteer at free clinic for underserved.

UC San Francisco |

Food is medicine for HIV-positive and Type 2 diabetes patients

Maintaining a healthy diet improves mental health and medication adherence.

UC Merced |

UC grant enables deeper, broader Valley fever research

Among 15 projects funded in latest round of multicampus research grants.


Autism researchers discover genetic ‘Rosetta Stone’

A newly-identified protein defect leads to either epilepsy in infancy or autism.


Binge drinking may quickly lead to liver damage, study finds

Fatty liver, inflammation and enzyme changes found in mice within seven weeks.


UCLA will lead international study of epilepsy after traumatic brain injuries

$21M grant provides opportunities for determining how epilepsy develops.

UC San Diego |

Biologists discover how viruses hijack cell’s machinery

The process by which viruses 'trick' cells into producing hundreds of new viruses is revealed.

UC Davis |

Are you training for a marathon?

Tips for getting fit with long-distance running.

UC San Diego |

Understanding the complexity of mother's milk

$10.5M gift funds center for human milk research at UC San Diego.

UC Berkeley |

CRISPR research institute expands into agriculture, microbiology

Gene-editing tools may help prevent illness, improve crop yields and nurture a balanced ecosystem.

UC San Diego |

Too much sitting, too little exercise may accelerate biological aging

Older women with low physical activity and 10 hours of daily sit time had even 'older' cells.


The force is with woman who gets life-saving lung transplant

UCLA team performs transplant on high-risk patient, 24, a longtime fan of "Star Wars."