California high school graduation projections and A-G completion
What does a changing California mean for higher education?
UC undergraduate student research, internships, and service learning
UC provides a rich environment for student research, internships, and service learning opportunities. Undergraduate students are engaged in these activities.
Graduate admissions
Graduate student academic applications, admits, and new enrolls by degree program type, citizenship, gender, ethnicity, and discipline.
Award explorer
Externally funded research awards.
UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) data
The University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) is a biennial survey conducted at UC’s nine undergraduate campuses.
Student survey completion and response rates
UC systemwide student survey response and completion rates are presented in this dashboard. The data may be filtered by campus and year, as well several characteristics such as ethnicity, gender, First generation status, Pell status and others related to discipline and student level.
Student financial support data tables
Financial aid awards to UC students by award source during the fall/winter/spring academic year and the full year including the summer term.
Undergraduate affordability
Gain knowledge of UC Undergraduate financial support, net cost of attendance, student loan debt, and cumulative debt burden at graduation for UC students.
Graduate student financial support and debt at graduation
Learn about different types of support graduate students at UC receive as well as their cumulative debt at graduation.
Transfers by major
GPA ranges and counts for transfer applicants by major and CIP