Campuses & Locations

Curcumin improves memory and mood, new study says

Lovers of Indian food, give yourselves a second helping. The compound found in turmeric has new benefits.
UC Irvine |

Rain goes rogue

Climate change appears to be skewing weather patterns, making it harder to predict wet and dry years.
UC Davis |

Marijuana farms expose endangered owls to rat poison, study shows

An abundance of illegal sites without oversight are poisoning wildlife in Northern California.
UC Berkeley |

What does a thought look like?

Trippy: UC Berkeley neuroscientists are recording a thought's fleeting trip through the brain.
UC San Diego |

Premature baby grows up to be a ‘cuddler’

A unique program gives volunteers like Shea McNanie the opportunity to provide infants vital TLC.
UC Irvine |

Battling bias

A freshman seminar series on prejudice aims to teach tolerance and encourage activism.

Everyone’s talking about the flu. Here’s what to do about it

And why — even though it's less effective this year — you should still get the vaccine.
UC Berkeley |

Social media actually makes you more (not less) relaxed, surprising new research says

It may not make you happy, but it will make you sleepy.
UC San Diego |

The ocean is losing its breath

Climate change is rapidly increasing marine ‘dead zones,’ where oxygen is too low to support most marine life.
UC Riverside |

How storybook lessons impart scholastic success

Differences in children's literature in the U.S., Mexico and China may help explain academic performance.
UC Davis |

Healing burned paws with fish skin

A young mountain lion injured during the Thomas fire receives an innovative therapy to get him back on his feet.

Received an at-home DNA test as a holiday gift? Proceed with caution

Many people are ill-equipped to handle troubling medical information without proper guidance, UCLA geneticist says.