Campuses & Locations
UC Irvine |

The new science of acting

Cognitive scientists are helping actors infuse characters with genuine memories, feelings and personalities.

US retail jobs are bad — but it doesn’t have to stay that way

A new book compares working conditions in the US with other countries.
UC Riverside |

How to control worrying (according to science)

There hasn't been a scientifically proven technique for reducing stress — until now.
UC Davis |

How climate denial blogs undermine scientific understanding

A lack of scientific rigor can spread like wildfire online, hurting public perception of climate change.
UC Newsroom |

How tax reform could price students out of graduate school

Provisions in tax proposals making their way through Congress could cost students thousands of dollars a year.
UC Santa Cruz |

A horse is a horse, of course, of course — except when it isn’t

Researchers analyze ancient DNA to reveal a new genus of extinct horse that once roamed North America.
UC Davis |

UC Davis, Sudwerk Brewing Co. launch Gunrock Lager

The world leader in brewing science now has its very own commercially available beer.
UC Riverside |

Making mosquitoes self-destruct

Researchers generate genetically engineered insects to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Painless dental lasers can render teeth cavity-resistant

New technology for repairing teeth and strengthening enamel may soon be in a dental office near you.
UC San Diego |

Women rising

Women scientists surpass men as leaders of the campus' biggest research grants.

Hydrogen cars for the masses one step closer to reality, thanks to UCLA invention

2-in-1 device creates and stores energy from solar to power almost anything.
UC Davis |

Gene discovery may halt worldwide wheat epidemic

Scientists hope they can fend off a devastating strain of stem rust.