Campuses & Locations
UC San Diego |

Researchers find computer code that Volkswagen used to cheat emissions tests

Computer scientist uncovers the smoking gun from 2015's scandal.
UC Newsroom |

Awakening a social giant in the effort to fight climate change

Van Jones is perhaps best known today as a political commentator for CNN, but he hasn’t given up his green credentials. The nonprofit he founded, Green for All, works to bring environmental solutions to the people that are most directly affected:…
UC Irvine |

UC Irvine named a Hispanic-serving institution

Latino enrollment reaches 25.7 percent, surpassing Department of Education benchmarks.
UC Davis |

7 challenges for achieving global food security

UC Davis’ Helene Dillard leads the charge for more sustainable, equitable food systems.
UC Riverside |

Study of Earth's first animals broadens understanding of early evolution

Secrets of early life hide within one of the oldest fossil animals, Dickinsonia.
UC Santa Barbara |

A leap for 3-D printing

Tresa Pollock receives a $3M fellowship to develop a platform for printing with new extreme-use materials.
UC Davis |

Something new in the stars

There's a new type of planetary object in town — a synestia.
UC Merced |

UC Merced Library chosen to digitize AIDS historical archives

Effort will make hundreds of thousands of pages available to the global public.

UC collaboration unlocks a key to biofuel

The algae in your fishtank could provide new fuel and medical applications, thanks to its UC-decoded genome.
UC Berkeley |

Student mom Natalie Ruiz achieves her Berkeley dream, and shines

Two majors, a baby, pancreatic surgery, award-winning work and a career path are just part of the journey for this grad.
UC Davis |

Nearly half of California’s native salmon, steelhead and trout on track to be extinct within 50 years

The good news is it's not too late to reverse the trend.
UC San Diego |

Chemists create the ultimate natural sunscreen

Synthetic particles mimic the cell structures that produce melanin and protect our skin.