Campuses & Locations

Latinos age slower than other ethnicities, UCLA study shows

Slower aging rate helps neutralize health risks related to obesity and inflammation.
UC Newsroom |

The rise of UC's startup culture

New Bay Area Council report highlights UC's mammoth economic contribution to the state of California.
UC San Francisco |

UCSF School of Nursing Dean David Vlahov to step down

He will continue as a member of the school’s faculty.
UC Newsroom |

Why sharks need a new soundtrack

Scary sharks may be box-office hits, but a study shows ominous music could be harming conservation efforts.
UC Irvine |

UC Irvine physicists discover potential fifth force of nature

If confirmed, breakthrough would "completely change our understanding of the universe."
UC Santa Barbara |

Inside the mind of Sting

Why every little thing he does is magic.
UC Newsroom |

100 years of national parks, 100 years of climate change data

To see the future of our parks in the face of global warming, UC Berkeley scientists are taking a walk through the past.
UC Berkeley |

Carcinogen in drinking water traced to firefighting foam

Highly fluorinated compounds found near industrial and military sites, affecting millions.
UC Newsroom |

UC schools rate among top universities globally

Nine campuses rank among the best internationally; three are in the top 20.
UC Davis |

How California can balance nitrogen's benefits and harm

First-of-its-kind UC Davis study of nitrate pollution offers path to reconcile agriculture and the environment.
UC Irvine |

Surveyed scientists debunk chemtrails conspiracy theory

Paper explains persistent aircraft trails, substances in soil and water.
UC Davis |

UC-wide student video challenge launched for World Food Day

Make a video on reducing hunger or improving health for a chance to win up to $1,000.