Campuses & Locations
UC Davis |

New fossil changes ideas about marine reptile evolution

UC Davis-studied specimen reveals how oceans may've bounced back from extinction 250 million years ago.
UCSF via The Conversation |

Want to lose weight? Train the brain, not the body

Emotional brain training can help you break the stress-obesity connection, a UCSF professor says.
UC San Diego |

UC San Diego’s algae biofuels program ranked best in nation

An algae surfboard and work on gasoline alternatives help the campus win for the fourth year in a row.

How freshmen have changed in the past 50 years

Over the course of a 15 million student survey, a UCLA professor finds reasons for optimism.
UC Davis |

UC Davis to switch to university-managed food service

Campus will join seven other UCs that run their own food services.
UC Cooperative Extension via The Conversation |

Deciphering the mysterious decline of honey bees

New research can help these pollinators beat back threats, writes a UC Davis scientist.
UC Newsroom |

Spoiler alert: spoilers make you enjoy stories more

Did someone spoil the next episode of "Game of Thrones"? They might have done you a favor.
UC San Francisco |

Hybrid cancer drug could be resistance-resistant

UCSF scientists find conjoined compounds deal double blow to resistant cancers in cells and mice.
UC Newsroom |

Startup champion Regis Kelly awarded Citation of Excellence

Kelly's triumphs as President Napolitano's senior adviser included shaping legislation, startup fundraising and creation of a senior VP role focused on innovation and entrepreneurship.
UC Davis |

Richard and Evelyne Rominger to receive the UC Davis Medal

Family deeply rooted in UC Davis and California agriculture.
UC Irvine |

The iPhone’s ancestor

A UC Irvine writer reflects on how the Sony Walkman paved the way for smartphones to change the world.

UCLA study identifies how brain connects memories across time

Neuroscientists boost ability of aging brain to recapture links between related memories.