Campuses & Locations

UCLA puts issue of food waste on front burner

Campus community invited to attend free evening program on Oct. 21 as part of Food Day 2015.
UC Riverside |

Cleaning water one stroke at a time

Engineering team wins an international design competition for creating a swimsuit that cleans water as people swim.
UC Riverside |

‘Window to the brain’ research ramps up

Partnership with three Mexican universities receives nearly $5 million to further study method that could make it easier to treat brain conditions.
UC San Diego |

A pediatric cancer drug three decades in the making

Experimental immunotherapy treatment first successfully used in the 1990s is finally available for commercial use.
UC Berkeley |

Berkeley's soda tax boosts retail prices of sugary drinks, study confirms

UC Berkeley findings come nearly a year after Berkeley voters approved an excise tax of one cent per ounce on sugary drinks.
UC Newsroom |

A classroom without walls

Course on ecology and conservation takes students from across UC out in the natural landscape.

‘Black’-sounding name conjures a larger, more dangerous person

People envision an unknown ‘black’-named character in similar ways to an unknown ‘white’-named male convicted of assault.

Predictive policing test substantially reduces crime

Results of months-long project in Los Angeles suggest method could succeed in cities worldwide.
UC Davis |

Researchers awarded $15.5M to build first total-body PET scanner

New technology could fundamentally change the way cancers are tracked and treated.
UC Newsroom |

U.S. News ranks nine UC campuses among world’s best

Magazine's world rankings focus on strength of research activities and reputation.

Patient, test thyself

Wireless mobile devices have been developed to monitor everything from eating to stress levels.
UC Newsroom |

UC launches Cool Campus Challenge in a push toward carbon neutrality

'We’re on our way to becoming the very first university system to wipe out our carbon footprint for good.'