Campuses & Locations
UC Newsroom |

UC tackles concussions

From expanding awareness in youth sports to conducting groundbreaking studies of collegiate athletes and military personnel, UC experts lead in advancing knowledge about traumatic brain injury and improving care.

Beauty's hidden health cost for African Americans

Ph.D. student raises awareness about potential health risks of certain hair products.
UC San Diego |

Crop cure

Scientists in new center to use medical research techniques to help food crops withstand drought and climate change.
UC Newsroom |

Six things parents and athletes need to know about concussions

Which sports have a higher risk of concussion? What should you do if a concussion is suspected? What steps should you follow before returning to play?
UC Davis |

UC Davis wins specialty-crops grant for lettuce project

Multidisciplinary researchers win specialty-crops grant for project to improve lettuce crops.
UC Riverside |

Lawn mower emission reduction device wins national award

Several generations of engineering teams have worked on the NOx-Out device to cut air pollution.

Tillman scholarship puts student veteran on a path to succeed in medicine

Fourth-year med student is also pursuing master's in public health, plans to work as a doctor with the Veterans Health Administration.
UC Santa Barbara |

Promoting team science

NSF grant puts UC Santa Barbara at the helm of interdisciplinary research effort to promote gender equity in the STEM workforce.
UC Merced |

Fighting breast cancer, message by message

UC Merced’s Susana Ramirez will lead a five-year project to create messages to help bicultural Latinas improve their eating habits and reduce their risk of breast cancer.
UC Merced |

Campus economic impact in San Joaquin Valley grows to $1.27 billion

UC Merced has proven to be an engine for economic growth in the region since its 2005 opening.
UC Office of the President via The Conversation |

Why more scientists are needed in the public square

The public dialogue about science is perhaps the most vital and most fraught national conversation not taking place in our country, and the ramifications are profound.
UC Davis |

From 'Healthy Soils' talk to a garden's grand opening

UC Davis hosts a variety of events in October to celebrate World Food Day and National Food Day.