Campuses & Locations
UC Santa Cruz |

Formation of coastal sea ice drives ocean circulation

Analysis of North Pacific ocean circulation finds that sea ice formation influences climate on regional and global scales.
UC Davis |

Menopausal status a better indicator for mammography frequency

For those at average risk, menopause trumps age as determining factor for when, and how often, to screen.
UC Newsroom |

Nine UC members elected to National Academy of Medicine

Members elected from three UC campuses: Davis, San Diego, San Francisco.

Life on Earth likely started at least 4.1 billion years ago

Researchers point to period much earlier than thought; also find evidence that the young planet was not dry and desolate.
UC Newsroom |

Bending the curve on climate change for California and the world

UC’s top climate experts are convening to create a practical blueprint for tackling climate change in advance of the Paris United Nations Climate Summit.
UC Newsroom |

UC celebrates Food Day with bounty of events

A weeklong series of special events will include cooking demonstrations, food drives, farmers markets, lectures and locally sourced meals at campus dining facilities.
UC Merced |

Engineering student makes an impact on agriculture

UC Merced undergrad Rebecca Quinte, a UC Global Food Initiative fellow, is working on a project that aims to shoo away leaffooted bugs, insects that feed on the seeds of crops like pomegranates, almonds and pistachios.

Nanodiamonds might prevent tooth loss after root canals

Tiny particles strengthen the compound used to fill teeth and ward off infection.
UC Irvine |

Experts suggest ways to better manage urban stormwater runoff

Rain barrels, absorbent roofs and permeable pavement could help reduce waste, researchers from UC Irvine, UCLA, UC San Diego and elsewhere say in paper.
UC Newsroom |

Napolitano addresses nation's community college leaders

Community college districts across the nation look to a partnership between UC and community colleges as a model for making a world-class education broadly accessible.
UC Office of the President |

Obama Administration lauds UC's commitment to Latino student achievement

White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics salutes transfer program, CalTeach among '150 Commitments to Action.'
UC Berkeley |

Researchers find neural switch that turns dreams on and off

Neurons appear to play key role in REM sleep, the dream state in mammals accompanied by activation of the cortex and total paralysis of the skeletal muscles.