Campuses & Locations
UC San Francisco |

Blood cell research turns personal

When Min Cho started researching protein translational mechanisms in blood cancers, it was just an abstract concept. His perspective changed when he was diagnosed with a rare blood disease.
Berkeley Lab |

Coffee pest relies on bacteria in gut to survive its caffeine craving

Berkeley Lab and USDA research could lead to new ways to fight beetle that devastates coffee crops worldwide.
UC Newsroom |

Money ranks 8 UC campuses as best college values

Eight UC undergraduate locations are top colleges in magazine's rankings.
UC Berkeley |

The sleep-deprived brain can mistake friends for foes

Without enough shut-eye, a smile can look more like a scowl. And the price for that mistake can be high.
UC San Diego |

What we know colors what we see

Perception is strongly influenced by prior knowledge, lending credence to the theory that the brain does not faithfully represent the environment but rather attempts to predict it.
UC Davis |

Milk does a probiotic good

Dairy makes a positive difference in how effective probiotics can be.
UC Berkeley |

Intellectual pursuits may buffer the brain against addiction

Mice engaged in stimulating activities were less likely to seek out cocaine.
UC Santa Cruz |

Temperature's rising beneath West Antarctic ice sheet

Research team reports first direct measurement of geothermal heat flow rising from deep within the Earth to the bottom of the ice sheet.

Reducing childhood obesity

More than 1,700 nutritionists and other experts on children's health gathered in San Diego to share lessons learned about efforts to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic.
UC Riverside |

Partnership makes algebra accessible north and south of the border

Online bilingual instruction is aligned with Mexican school requirements and Common Core, to help teachers keep immigrant students on track with math learning
UC Santa Barbara |

Protecting the deep sea

Researchers call for balancing commercial extraction of deep-sea resources with protection of diverse seabed habitats.
UC San Diego |

Researchers ID ‘conjunction junction’ for brain’s navigation function

Ever wake at night and find your way through the house without stubbing your toe? There's a region of the brain that enables you to do that – and generally helps you navigate the world.