Campuses & Locations
UC Santa Cruz |

Scholarships available for UC Santa Cruz organic farming apprenticeships

Application period opens for 2016 program -- applications due Aug. 15 for international applicants, Sept. 30 for U.S. citizens.
UC Santa Cruz |

Santa Cruz develops online courses available to all UC students

Online calculus courses are the first cross-campus courses that satisfy prerequisites at all nine UC undergraduate campuses.
UC Santa Barbara via The Conversation |

Concrete jungle: Cities adapt to growing ranks of urban wildlife

In recent years, a host of charismatic wild species have returned to American cities in numbers not seen for generations.

Stem cell gene therapy holds promise for eliminating HIV infection

Method modifies immune cells to attack the virus and could be used to treat other diseases.
UC Santa Barbara |

A win-win-win-win

With $1.5 million in National Science Foundation funding, a group of researchers from UC Santa Barbara and partner institutions will study the effects of a novel way of eradicating schistosomiasis.
UC Davis |

UC Davis saves 61 million gallons of water a year

New process in campus cooling system will result in a 9 percent cut in the amount of potable water used.

Congo Basin Institute partnership is a ‘game-changer’ for environmental protection

Institute targets deforestation and disease control in the world's second largest rainforest.
UC Berkeley |

How to grow back the back

Engineered cartilage surfaces hold promise for treating damaged spinal discs.
UC Newsroom |

13 UC projects win statewide sustainability awards

California Higher Education Sustainability Conference Best Practice Awards recognize innovations made by campuses.

Bone-building protein stimulates bone stem cells

Study results could mean good news for people with osteoporosis or those with traumatic bone injuries.
UC San Diego |

Exit dinosaurs, enter fishes

The mass extinction event that killed the dinosaurs gave rise to the modern ‘Age of Fishes.’
Greater Good Science Center |

Why are some children more giving than others?

A new study finds the answer may lie with family income.