Campuses & Locations

Stem cell researchers develop promising method to treat sickle cell disease

Gene therapy technique leads to production of healthy blood cells — could be used for other genetic diseases.
UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara |

First discovery of a distant star exploding into a supernova

Finding, using multiple images that reached Earth at different times, advances the understanding of dark matter.
UC Newsroom |

Research collaboration will focus on immigration in California

Project involving five UC campuses will complement the systemwide efforts of the UC-Mexico Initiative.
UC Santa Cruz |

Want to teach about organic farming and gardening? Updated manual now available

UC Santa Cruz manual, now in its third edition, addresses practical aspects of organic farming and gardening, applied soil science, and social and environmental issues in agriculture.

Artisan cheese: Milking a movement

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources has published a bestselling manual designed for the beginning cheesemaker, "Farmstead and Artisan Cheeses: A Guide to Building a Business."

New method to genetically identify disease markers

Key step toward personalized medicine holds promise for treating many diseases.
UC Davis |

Scientists describe novel drug mechanism that fights brain cancer

Molecule interferes with the internal regulation of cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct.
UC Santa Barbara |

Perfect storm of drought and unrest

A growing body of research suggests that extreme weather — using Syria as an example — increases the chances of violence, from individual attacks to full-scale wars.
UC San Diego |

Pens filled with high-tech inks for DIY sensors

A new simple tool developed by nanoengineers at UC San Diego is opening the door to an era when anyone will be able to build sensors, anywhere.
UC Newsroom |

New UC projects target greenhouse gas emissions

Research and outreach efforts will help UC become first major university to achieve carbon neutrality.
UC Riverside |

How were fossil tracks so well preserved?

Tracks by swimming reptiles benefited from delayed ecologic recovery during the Early Triassic.
UC Merced |

UC Merced forges partnership with Kathmandu University

Memorandum of understanding signed in Nepal lays groundwork for faculty and student exchanges, research collaborations and other academic activities.