Campuses & Locations
UC Newsroom |

Six UC members elected to Institute of Medicine

New members include representatives of four UC campuses: Berkeley, UCLA, San Diego, San Francisco.
UC San Francisco |

Genetic variant protects some Latina women from breast cancer

Originating from indigenous Americans, variant reduces risk by 40 to 80 percent.
UC Newsroom |

Honors for faculty, students

Riverside English professor is a finalist for the prestigious National Book Award in Poetry; Santa Cruz grad students' interactive fiction honored at IndieCade games festival.
UC Davis |

Building global food security through produce research

$18.75 million grant from the U.S. Agency for International Development will boost international fruit and vegetable research.
UC San Francisco |

Sugary soda linked to cell aging

Scientists find shorter telomeres — the protective units of DNA that cap the ends of chromosomes — in immune cells of soda drinkers.
Lawrence Livermore Lab |

Lab, UC Davis partner to personalize cancer medications

Researchers are using biological accelerator mass spectrometry to see how cancer patients respond to specific chemotherapy.
UC San Francisco |

NIH launches course for life science entrepreneurs

Pilot program, based on a course developed at UC San Francisco, will help entrepreneurs commercialize their technology.
UC Newsroom |

Smoking's $18.1 billion toll on California

Despite declines in numbers of smokers, related diseases account for one in seven deaths in the state — more than from AIDS, influenza or diabetes.
UC Davis |

Designing a solar home for farmworkers

Solar Decathlon competitors aim to make zero-net-energy homes more affordable.
UC Berkeley |

Earth’s magnetic field could flip within a human lifetime

Earth's last magnetic reversal took place 786,000 years ago and happened very quickly, in less than 100 years.
UC Merced |

UC Merced’s direct investment in regional economy exceeds $1.1 billion

Statewide investment tops $2.2 billion since July 2000, with the 'multiplier effect' suggesting the impact is even greater.
UC Newsroom |

UC-backed state loan program will provide aid to undocumented students

Program is designed to compensate for ineligibility for federal financial assistance.