Campuses & Locations
UC Newsroom |

UC nabs nearly a quarter of NIH brain research grants

Projects led by UC scientists will receive more than $10 million of the $46 million being awarded as part of the Obama BRAIN Initiative.
UC San Diego |

Battery system will be able to light 2,500 homes

2.5 megawatt storage system — one of the largest in the nation — will be installed next spring.
Lawrence Livermore Lab |

Data from Napa quake advances seismic science

New sources of information fuel both knowledge and emergency response.
UC Berkeley |

Three institutions join forces to seed transformative brain research

UC Berkeley, UCSF and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have decided to invest in high-risk, high-gain projects that could jump-start our understanding of the brain.
UC Berkeley |

Berkeley and the making of Yosemite

Digital book brings to life the revered national park that's marking its 150th anniversary.
UC Davis |

No sign of health or nutrition problems from GMO livestock feed

The performance and health of food-producing animals consuming genetically engineered feed, first introduced 18 years ago, has been comparable to that of animals consuming non-GE feed.
UC Davis |

UC Davis, SunPower to build largest solar power plant in UC system

Project is designed to generate 33 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year and expected to reduce the campus's carbon footprint by an estimated 9 percent.
UC Irvine |

Natural gas usage will have little effect on CO2 emissions

Greater utilization of plentiful natural gas could delay switch to renewable energy.
UC Newsroom |

UC takes sustainability to the next level

UC pledges to be carbon neutral by 2025, an ambitious undertaking that no other research university has achieved.
USGS/UC Santa Cruz |

California's sea otter numbers hold steady

Annual population census indicates the threatened species is slowly swimming toward recovery.
UC Davis |

Moms of autistic kids less likely to have taken iron supplements during pregnancy

Five-fold greater risk found in children whose mothers had low supplemental iron and other risk factors for delivering a child with ASD.
UC Riverside |

Hold on, Tiger Mom

Research refutes the idea that the traditional, strict “Chinese” upbringing, advocated for in the book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother," is superior.