Campuses & Locations
UC Davis |

Curiosity helps learning and memory

Curiosity, while perhaps still dangerous for cats, serves as motivation for humans to acquire and retain information.
UC Newsroom |

UC campuses earn high rankings among world universities

Berkeley, UCLA in top 20 of Times Higher Education rankings, which also included Santa Barbara, San Diego, Davis, Irvine, Santa Cruz and Riverside.
UC Merced |

Students battle for sustainability supremacy

The 2014 Water Battle — to see which residence hall can save the most water, by making just a few simple changes — runs from Oct. 1-31.

Grapes may help with acne

Resveratrol, an antioxidant, may lead to a clearer complexion when used with old standby benzoyl peroxide.
UC Santa Barbara |

Rating the planet's oceans

UC Santa Barbara's National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis helped produce the first Ocean Health Index that includes all the Earth’s oceans.
UC Davis |

Student helps establish center for fellow undocumented students

Junior Ana Maciel played a role in establishing the new AB540 and Undocumented Student Center to help others like herself through their obstacles to a university education.
UC Newsroom |

UC nabs nearly a quarter of NIH brain research grants

Projects led by UC scientists will receive more than $10 million of the $46 million being awarded as part of the Obama BRAIN Initiative.
UC San Diego |

Battery system will be able to light 2,500 homes

2.5 megawatt storage system — one of the largest in the nation — will be installed next spring.
Lawrence Livermore Lab |

Data from Napa quake advances seismic science

New sources of information fuel both knowledge and emergency response.
UC Berkeley |

Three institutions join forces to seed transformative brain research

UC Berkeley, UCSF and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have decided to invest in high-risk, high-gain projects that could jump-start our understanding of the brain.
UC Berkeley |

Berkeley and the making of Yosemite

Digital book brings to life the revered national park that's marking its 150th anniversary.
UC Davis |

No sign of health or nutrition problems from GMO livestock feed

The performance and health of food-producing animals consuming genetically engineered feed, first introduced 18 years ago, has been comparable to that of animals consuming non-GE feed.