Campuses & Locations
UC San Francisco |

UCSF, Google Earth Engine make maps to predict malaria

UCSF is working to create an online platform that health workers around the world can use to predict where malaria is likely to be transmitted using data on Google Earth Engine.
UC Newsroom |

New assistance for middle class families

Thousands of eligible students with family incomes up to $150,000 will benefit from state-funded program.
UC Newsroom |

Napolitano: As public research universities go, so goes the nation

UC president gave keynote address at conference centered on issues in higher education.
UC Davis |

Early intervention lessens autism symptoms

'Infant Start' therapy treats disabling delays before most children are diagnosed
UC Berkeley |

Biologists try to dig endangered pupfish out of its hole

Considered the world's rarest fish, the wild pupfish faces a 28 to 32 percent risk of extinction over the next 20 years. A UC Berkeley biologist is helping to rescue it from that fate.
UC Santa Cruz |

Study traces ecological collapse over 6,000 years of Egyptian history

Ancient Egyptian artworks help scientists reconstruct how animal communities changed as climate became drier and human populations grew.

Biologists delay the aging process by ‘remote control’

Researchers have identified a gene that can slow the aging process throughout the entire body when switched on in key organ systems.
UC Riverside |

The diaper detective

Team of engineering students develop an inexpensive, versatile pad to detect medical problems in infants.
UC Newsroom |

Napolitano encourages aspiring doctors in Fresno

UC president encourages high school students to pursue their dreams and help address physician shortage in the San Joaquin Valley.
UC Newsroom |

Napolitano meets with community college leaders

Officials identify steps that would bring transfer students to UC from a broader range of schools around the state.

FDA approves new melanoma drug

Drug that turns on the immune system to fight deadly cancers is a ‘game changer,’ says study’s principal investigator.
UC Riverside |

Acidity on decline in Sierra Nevada lakes

Research team did long-term measurements of lake chemistry, studied sediment cores from the lakes.