Campuses & Locations
UC Newsroom |

About California's drought

UC researchers offer insights on coping with the state's extended dry spell.
UC Irvine |

Can kava cure cancer?

Commonly brewed for tea, the plant compound is being studied for its effectiveness against bladder malignancies.

Experimental treatment eradicates acute leukemia in mice

Using an existing drug and a new drug developed at UCLA, the researchers wiped out cancer cells in mice with a deadly type of blood cancer, leaving healthy blood cells alone. The treatment might also have applications for other blood diseases.
UC Santa Cruz |

UCSC, UC Hastings offer accelerated law degree program

Students will receive BA and JD degrees in six years compared with the usual seven.
UC San Francisco |

UCSF, Walgreens open pharmacy

Joint endeavor on UCSF campus aims to improve medication safety and decrease health care costs.
UCLA Magazine |

Clayborne Carson: King's chronicler

The man who edits and publishes Martin Luther King’s papers isn't just a scholar of the civil rights movement. Historian, documentarian, playwright and scholar Clayborne Carson lived it.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography |

Diminishing ice means a darker Arctic

Forty-five years after scientists hypothesized that global warming would make Arctic Ocean surfaces darker, Scripps team determines, through satellite data, how much the planet’s albedo has diminished.

Four threats to American democracy

UCLA professor examines four interconnected issues that could threaten a breakdown of effective democratic government in the United States.
UC Riverside |

Holograms boost electronic performance

Researchers demonstrate a holographic memory device that could improve storage capacity and processing capabilities in electronics.

UCLA launches crowdfunding platform to support research

UCLA Spark utilizes social media to connect donors with faculty and students across campus.
UC Riverside |

Better batting through brain training

UC Riverside’s baseball team struck out less frequently in the 2013 season after taking part in brain-training research that significantly improved the vision of individual players.
UC Santa Cruz |

Black hole shreds a star

New study shows what happens during the destruction of a star as it falls into a black hole, contradicting a 2012 report of the disruption of an exotic helium star.