Can space help us understand our cells?

A UCLA scientist looks to space for possible treatment of some neurological diseases.

UCLA via The Conversation |

The one low-tech fix for teens' sleep problems

Sleep helps brains develop — no surprise. Unexpected was the importance of one aspect of where teens slept.

UC Newsroom |

Cuddling is good for babies — and you, too

Touch boosts the health of premature babies. For those doing the cuddling, the personal rewards are also boundless.


Blood test ‘biopsy’ for kids with brain tumors is simple, safe way to see if treatment Is working

Mutation revelation is a boon in era of targeted therapies, say oncologists at UCSF.

UC Berkeley |

Chronically anxious? Deep sleep may take the edge off

Extreme angst is on the rise, especially among teens and millennials. Deep restorative sleep can help.

UC San Francisco |

Adequate consumption of ‘longevity’ vitamins could prolong healthy aging

Most American diets are deficient in a key class of vitamins and minerals that promote longevity.


Could a drug prevent hearing loss?

A single gene plays a critical role in noise-induced deafness — but an experimental drug appears to provide protection.

UC Berkeley and UCSF |

The first genome surgeons

CRISPR opens door to new type of medicine: “genome surgery.”

UC Newsroom |

Nine UC faculty elected to National Academy of Medicine

More than 200 UC-affiliated professionals have received this prestigious honor since 1970.

UC Merced |

Sick of googling symptoms and getting bad information? Here's a second opinion.

You can search for better health answers by using a free internet health assistant developed by medical researchers.


The Kidney Project and the bioartificial pancreas: When inspiration strikes twice

Shuvo Roy is not content to just work on the world's first bioartificial kidney. Now he's doing the same for the pancreas.

UC San Diego |

What if doctors could zero in on the one action that would make the most impact on your health?

Health choices made easy, thanks to a new model that relies on data from your FitBit.