UC San Francisco |

UCSF cancer immunotherapy clinic offers unique studies of promising treatments

Cutting-edge therapies are helping patients keep cancer in check for years.

UC Davis |

Scorpion venom yields clues for developing better pharmaceuticals

UC Davis researchers see hope for new medicines in a toxin that chemically reprograms within cells.

UC Riverside |

All ants on deck

UC Riverside scientists find some ants exhibit memory in the way they form rafts.


Microscope uses artificial intelligence to find cancer cells more efficiently

UCLA-invented device analyzes 36 million images per second and uses deep learning to identify rogue cells.

UC San Francisco |

UCSF, UCLA join collaboration to advance national cancer initiative

Renowned UCSF immunologist to head new Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy.

UC Berkeley |

The tree of life expands

UC Berkeley scientists pull up biology by the roots and reveal new hierarchies in the natural world.


Major advance in biochemistry holds promise for biofuels

UCLA biochemists have devised a way to convert sugar into a variety of useful chemical compounds without using cells.

UC Davis |

UC Davis scientists get a new look into how we read

Researchers discover a way to observe brain activity during natural reading, expanding our ability to understand language.

UC San Diego |

Visual arts and engineering transforming education

Engineers and visual artists collaborate on final projects together in a new studio on the UC San Diego campus.


UCLA study yields the key to effective personalized medicine

New platform optimizes drug doses to prevent organ rejection for transplant patients.

UC Riverside Magazine |

Flitting through eternity

UC Riverside provides some new insight into the physical basis of near-death experiences.

UC San Diego |

Higher levels of vitamin D correspond to lower cancer risk

Levels of 40 ng/ml or greater can make the disease as much as 67 percent less likely, UC San Diego researchers find.