More adult children are doing it all around the world, a new study finds.
Call Mom?
UC Santa Cruz genetics lab helps solve the mystery of 'Miranda Eve'
UC scientists team up to identify the remains of 19th-century baby Jane Doe found in San Francisco backyard.
Survey reveals stark gender gap in political views among college freshmen
Report also finds difference between men and women in concerns over cost of tuition.
What infants can teach adults about learning
A new theory suggests how adults can never stop learning.
More people than ever before are single — and that’s a good thing
Single people are often thought of as self-centered. But science says they're a boon to communities across the country.
Worry — it does the body (and mind) good?
A new paper shows the power of worrying.
Tackling the ‘black troublemaker’ school stereotype
Psychologist works with Google to combat knee-jerk suspensions of African American teens.
California’s force for research innovation
UC graduate students visit with lawmakers in Sacramento to share bold ideas for tackling California's big challenges.
What a billion tweets tell us about climate change
The planet is getting hotter. Will more hot days have an effect on happiness around the world? Evidence from over one billion tweets says yes – and it’s not going to be a day at the beach.
When the Dalai Lama asks you to make an app...
Inspired by her work with the spiritual leader, Eve Ekman has created an app to help health care workers avoid burnout.
Researcher tracking teens who attempted suicide
New grant will support study of long-term outcomes to help them live healthier, happier lives.
Why you may be paying more income tax than you should
The standard deduction's simplicity helps you — and the government, which collects as much as $200B in extra revenue.