Campuses & Locations
UC Riverside Magazine |

Flitting through eternity

UC Riverside provides some new insight into the physical basis of near-death experiences.
UC San Diego |

Higher levels of vitamin D correspond to lower cancer risk

Levels of 40 ng/ml or greater can make the disease as much as 67 percent less likely, UC San Diego researchers find.

Wanted: Students with a great research idea about the Internet

UCLA will provide $15,000 each to 12 undergraduates for a year in the interest of innovation.
UC Davis |

UC Davis 'Computer Science for All' now available for schools nationwide

Curriculum helps students struggling with math, especially algebra.
UC Merced |

UC Merced study: In-home parent training levels field for low-income kids

New research shows home visits by trainers can close cognitive development gaps.
UC Berkeley |

Supermassive black holes may be lurking everywhere in the universe

UC Berkeley astronomers find a giant surprise in space.

Cautious optimism for California and the nation

A UCLA forecast expects continued growth for the U.S. economy, and even more rapid growth statewide.
UC San Diego |

Remote Italian village could harbor secrets of healthy aging

UC San Diego is the first to study the lifestyle of 300 residents, all over 100 years old.
UC Davis |

A 'Grand' adventure at UC Davis

Students make the Colorado River their classroom and learn how to bring scientific issues to the public.
UC Food Observer |

'From Cows to Concrete': New book provides history of ag in Los Angeles County

A Q&A with UC Cooperative Extension advisor Rachel Surls about urban agriculture in Los Angeles.
UC San Diego |

'Shocking' new steel alloy could be used for body armor

Record-breaking material developed by UC San Diego engineers shows promise for a wide range of applications.
UC Davis |

Cancer gene twice as likely to be defective in children with autism

A tumor suppressor is found missing in many autistic children and their fathers by UC Davis researchers.