Campuses & Locations
UC Santa Barbara |

The STEM gender gap is not where you think

A UC Santa Barbara professor seeks to explain why certain countries are more likely to see women in STEM than others.
UC Riverside |

GPS accuracy down to the centimeter from UC Riverside

Technology will be used for high precision positioning in mobile devices, autonomous vehicles and related applications.
UC Riverside |

Why do we waste so much food, and why does it matter?

Food waste expert Jonathan Bloom, author of 'American Wasteland,' to speak at UC Riverside Feb. 16 and Palm Desert Center Feb. 17.
UC San Francisco |

Mothers may pass brain structure linked to depression to daughters

A UC San Franciso study is the first to show that emotional circuitry may be matrilineally transmitted.
UC San Francisco |

UC San Francisco discovery may boost in vitro fertilization outcomes

Researchers identify a fertility indicator that could lead to less invasive egg testing.
UC Berkeley |

'Forked': Rating eateries on how they treat workers

In new book, UC Berkeley's Saru Jayaraman — a leading expert on what it’s like to work in the restaurant industry — offers 14 case studies and ranks working conditions at eateries ranging from greasy-spoon diners to national chains and white-…
UC Riverside |

Uncoding a citrus tree killer

UC Riverside-led team awarded $4 million grant to fight disease using CRISPR technology developed at UC Berkeley.
UC San Diego |

UC San Diego lab prints 3-D functioning liver tissue

New model derived from stem cells could make drug development faster and more cost-effective.

Psychiatrist finds balance on a blade’s edge

When he's not researching schizophrenia, UCLA's Dr. Joseph Pierre is mastering the practice of Shinkendo.
UC San Diego |

New algorithm learns to 'watch where you're going'

UC San Diego engineers devise a pedestrian detection technology that could be used in self-driving cars.
UC Berkeley |

Cockroach inspires robot that squeezes through cracks

UC Berkeley scientists study bugs' crawling secret to build a better search and rescue robot.
UC Riverside |

UC Riverside researcher finds potential for a double earthquake

Temblor on one fault can spread to another more easily than previously thought, with serious implications for Los Angeles and elsewhere.