Campuses & Locations
UC San Diego |

Children affected by prenatal drinking more numerous than previously estimated

Findings suggest rates of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders may be similar to autism spectrum disorders.
UC Newsroom |

Ralph Bunche: The peacemaker

How UC legend Ralph Bunche brokered peace.
UC Santa Cruz via The Conversation |

Trump’s push for new offshore drilling is likely to run aground in California

The effort to expand offshore oil production reignites a battle with California that dates back nearly 50 years.

Could a protein called klotho block dementia and aging?

Dena Dubal wants to stave off neurodegenerative diseases with a novel approach: blocking aging.
UC Irvine |

UC’s National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement selects inaugural class of fellows, expands board

UC Irvine chancellor to oversee center’s administration, begin search for executive director.
UC San Diego |

A picture might actually be worth more than a thousand words

Emotional images can change people's behavior, while similarly charged words do not, a new study finds.
UC Newsroom |

UC athletes look for gold in Pyeongchang

Two UC-connected athletes are headed to the 2018 Winter Olympics.
UC Santa Cruz |

Canada's landmark ruling against solitary confinement

Psychology professor Craig Haney provided the scientific foundation for the court's sweeping decision.
UC Riverside |

What makes kids with autism less social than their peers?

New research suggests that at least two factors are at play.

And the nation’s biggest teaching award goes to ...

Chemistry professor receives a prestigious award for teaching and its $250,000 prize.
UC Berkeley |

Why traffic apps make congestion worse

Has your traffic app ever led you into a jam? The solution is smarter apps that actually talk to one another.

Yep, your brain has ‘anxiety’ cells

It's not just your imagination, it's neurology, according to a new study on mice.