Campuses & Locations
UC Newsroom |

How California became a food and wine lover's dream

The little known history of the land of milk and honey.
UC San Francisco |

“Smarter” breast cancer screening measures risk down to your DNA

The WISDOM study expands to women as young as 30.
Berkeley Lab |

Balancing a battery-powered future with energy justice

How inclusive research could support communities around California’s Salton Sea.
UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center |

7 ways to have a healthier relationship with stress

A new book by renowned UCSF stress researcher Elissa Epel explains how stress affects our bodies at the cellular level and how to manage it better.
UC Santa Barbara |

Resistance is futile

A new antibiotic cures superbugs without bacterial resistance.
UCLA Magazine |

Is kindness contagious?

That’s what UCLA’s Bedari Kindness Institute wanted to find out. The answer may surprise you.
UC Newsroom |

17 UC faculty awarded 2023 Sloan Research fellowships

The prestigious award is granted to promising researchers likely to emerge as the next generation of scientific leaders.
UCLA Newsroom |

UCLA roboticist Dennis Hong rolls out his robot posse in a TEDx talk

“Openness, freedom, trust, having fun and truly believing what you can do to change the world” guide Hong’s new creations.
UC San Diego |

Don’t know CPR? There’s an app for that, thanks to a UC San Diego Health doctor

A new free app arms people with a real-time tool for opioid overdoses and unconscious victims.
UC Irvine |

Writing for FLOTUS

UC Irvine student Steven Gong turned lessons from the ‘Writing for POTUS’ course into a speechwriting internship in the Office of the First Lady.
UC San Francisco |

Early interventions are best for kids with obesity, new guidelines say

The first new clinical guidance in 15 years for treating obesity and overweight in children stresses intensive lifestyle changes while acknowledging barriers.
UC Riverside |

Why California will inevitably shake like Turkey

A fault like the San Andreas produced the tragic earthquake in Syria and Turkey.