Campuses & Locations
UC Newsroom |

Serve your community at your Thanksgiving table

Six ways to bring deeper meaning to your meal by supporting farmers, farmworkers and the planet.
UC Newsroom |

In conversation: UC’s 2020 Nobel Prize winners on changing the world through scientific discovery

Celebrate the University of California’s newest Nobel laureates and hear their reflections on the value and impact of scientific discovery in this recorded conversation with UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D., and UC Board of Regents Chair John A. Pérez.

Holiday gatherings during COVID-19: What doctors say about traveling and family events

The good news is that there are ways to make a gathering safer.

UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute sees ‘contagious kindness’ in action

Amid social turmoil, the study on kindness points to its potential for large-scale healing.
UC Berkeley |

Drop in pandemic CO2 emissions previews world of electric vehicles

A UC Berkeley sensing network shows a 25 percent drop in Bay Area CO2 levels immediately after shelter-in-place.
UC San Diego |

Study: Loneliness highest in the 20s and lowest in the 60s

Lower levels of empathy, smaller social networks and poor sleep are consistent predictors of loneliness.
UC Riverside and UC Santa Barbara |

UC campuses pilot a smartphone app that aims to limit spread of COVID-19

The app uses privacy-first technology that allows users to receive automatic smartphone notifications of a potential exposure to the virus.

3 UCSF faculty named to Biden-Harris transition COVID-19 advisory board

David A. Kessler, Eric Goosby and Robert M. Rodriguez will help guide planning for the president-elect’s federal response to the pandemic.
UC Davis |

Honoring 102-year-old WWII vet, professor emeritus

UC Davis Hospice hosts a virtual ceremony honoring the life and heroics of 2nd Lt. Milton Hildebrand, now in their care.

How the pandemic demonstrates veterans’ resiliency

A timely Q&A with Tess Banko, Marine Corps veteran and executive director of the UCLA/VA Veteran Family Wellness Center.
UC Irvine |

Veterans’ voices

UC Irvine is the nation’s only top research university to offer a certificate program to those who’ve served in the military.
UC Newsroom |

President Drake announces new Presidential Policy on Gender Recognition and Lived Name

A new presidential policy will ensure that all individuals are identified by their accurate gender identity and lived or preferred name at UC.