Campuses & Locations
UC NRS and UC Berkeley |

Drone surveys reveal fire damage and recovery in UC natural reserves

Drone and ground surveys of nine UC nature reserves will help understand ecosystem recovery from wildfires.
UC Santa Barbara |

Preparing for a winter with the coronavirus

How will staying indoors more frequently affect the spread of COVID-19?
UC Riverside |

Behind the curtain at Amazon

A new book alleges worker exploitation at Amazon and shows how communities are resisting it.
UC Davis |

Women were the early big-game hunters of America, research suggests

The findings are a challenge to the old hypothesis (and familiar image) of ‘man-the-hunter.’
UC Irvine and UC San Diego |

UC researchers pioneer more effective method of blocking malaria transmission in mosquitoes

UC scientists have made a major advance using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing to control the transmission of malaria parasites.

The science of what uncertainty can mean for your mind and body

The stress of uncertainty, especially when prolonged, is among the most insidious.
UC Riverside |

Just too cute, season two

The return of Baby Yoda reminds us of the power — and purpose — of cute aggression, a UC Riverside expert says.
UC San Diego |

California cities doing the most on climate action

California is leading the way on emission cuts, and it's no coincidence its leading cities feature UC campuses.
UC Santa Cruz |

Scientists discover how a common mutation leads to ‘night owl’ sleep disorder

A small change in our biological clocks lengthens the clock period, causing people to stay up late at night and sleep late in the morning.
UC Berkeley Greater Good Center |

Understanding the partisan brain

A new study shows a never-before-seen glimpse of how political polarization looks in our brains.
UC Santa Barbara via The Conversation |

People’s bodies now run cooler than ‘normal’ — even in the Bolivian Amazon

‘Normal’ body temperature has declined all over the world — but why?
UC Berkeley Haas |

Election polls are 95 percent confident but only 60 percent accurate, UC Berkeley Haas study finds

How confident should you be in election polls? Not nearly as confident as the pollsters claim, according to a new study.